During the holiday season, spirits are higher, and people are more inclined to be kind or lenient toward one another (excluding the Grinch/Scrooge types). A simple way to boost someone’s mood is with a holiday greeting. Most established businesses and start-ups alike have one thing in common – client satisfaction/client retention. Even if you don’t have a solid plan in place, you’ll have to start somewhere. Why not start by sending out a corporate holiday card to your customer base? Businesses in any industry, including retail, real estate, healthcare, design, finance, education, law, and much more, can benefit from sending out company holiday greetings to their loyal clients.
What are the Benefits of Companies Sending Out Holiday Cards?

- Shows your appreciation for your customers
- Conveys the notion that your clients are always a top priority
- Potentially turns first-time customers into repeat clients
Corporate holiday cards aren’t just for your client roster – employees deserve to receive a warm holiday greeting from you as well. Preparing holiday cards addressed to employees & their families can boost morale and encourage a healthy workplace environment.
Things to Include in Any Holiday Card
Whether your card is directed towards customers or employees, the contents of any holiday card should contain these three things:
1. Your business logo and/or name – While a holiday card’s main focus isn’t intended to be a sales pitch, as a company, it’s important to include your branding on anything you send out. This highlights the characteristic of professionalism and shows your business off as an established company. At the very least, you absolutely must include your business name.
2. A greeting, either
- Not specific to any given holiday (so that you don’t assume everyone who will receive this celebrates the same holiday)
- Related to the holiday if you know your audience well enough (i.e. Business Christmas Cards), or if it applies to everyone (i.e. Happy New Year)
As a business owner, inclusivity is an important trait your company should possess, as you will likely have clients with different beliefs and from all walks of life. Make sure the message on your card is relatable to most, as you don’t want to look like you’re intentionally directing your message toward just one group of people. However, if you know your clientele well enough, you are welcome to be more specific regarding a given holiday.
3. A short, somewhat personalized message – Avoid anything that sounds sales-y, as this card is simply to wish your clients or employees a happy holiday season and to express your gratitude. If anything, the tone of the message should be more encouraging and uplifting.
Bonus add-ons:
4. A sign-off from a high-ranking individual in your company, ideally the CEO, would be a nice bonus, but it’s not an absolute must.
5. Without deferring to a sales-y tone, if you want to give your clients a discount for a future order, as a thank you for being your loyal customer, you can absolutely include a coupon of some sort. We don’t recommend giving the same type of offer or discount you’d give on an average day. In fact, it’s possible that you might even deter customers from using the coupon if they’ve seen the discount before. Of course, this doesn’t apply to all businesses, but if applicable, it could be proven as a positive addition to your holiday cards.
Designing Your Cards
When it comes to the design of your cards, you should strongly consider your client demographic as the driving factor. There are traditional holiday card designs and then there are modern holiday cards that you can choose from. To make it easy on you, we have design templates that are 100% free to use & customize. You just have to pay the cost of your prints! Below are just some examples of the types of templates we have to choose from.
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Browse all Company Holiday Card Templates →
If templates aren’t something you need and you already have your design files ready to go, you can simply upload your print-ready files on the Postcards order form. In the Templates tab, you’ll also find downloadable templates for each size postcard that will help ensure that your files are set up correctly.
4″ x 6″ Postcards start at just $19.78* for 100 quantities.
You can also print holiday cards for your business on greeting cards. 4″ x 6″ Greeting Cards start at just $39.96* for 25 quantities.
*Prices are subject to change without notice.