As I was browsing through pictures of promotional pieces and reading feedback provided by our customers, I noticed several examples of how our customers have made a positive impact with their print products. Piqued by curiosity, I asked a few of these customers to share a little bit more on their experiences with us.
Sabrina Orihuela, one such customer, was recently a sponsor for the Empowering Women Conference, a conference held to help women in business as well as in their personal lives. As a consultant for Cookie Lee Jewelry, Sabrina had a booth at the event, where she handed out these beautiful, pink bookmarks that matched the intent of the event perfectly.

“The bookmark was a useful business card. I had all my contact info on the back and people that were interested in becoming a consultant or wanted to book a show would have it…on a bookmark! I was able to donate jewelry to the women’s shelter. It was a great time, fulfilling time.”
Marques Lyons, another GotPrint customer, organized the MSMVP, a meetup designed to bring members of the Microsoft® MVP community together with the public to get hands-on assistance and advice on a variety of Microsoft® technologies. To help keep everything organized, Marques ordered hang tags for attendees of the event. Here is what he had to say about his sleek tags:
“The hang tags were fantastic because it helped to establish those who were there for the event and gave it a much more professional presentation. Attendees thought the tags looked great and I have some left over to use on future MSMVP events.”

Thank you Sabrina and Marques for sharing your pictures and experiences with us! If you feel a burst of inspiration, visit and choose from our wide selection of marketing pieces.