We always love to see beautifully designed business cards, postcards and other print material come our way. And with such a talented customer base (honest!), we’re pleased to share some of our favorites with the rest of you, be it to help promote our customers’ work, or for your inspiration at your most uninspired moments, or to simply pass along the sense of awe we feel when we see some really impressive work.
Below are a few postcards and business cards featuring illustrations that caught our eye.

Attractive, well-drawn characters, detailed shading, and brilliant use of color is Shari Warren’s technique for achieving illustrations that simply pop out.

Daniel Fishel’s (note: not to be confused with Danielle Fishel) work is conceptual, unique, and has a retro quality to it. We may not fully understand it, but we like it!

How can you not notice and be impressed with Cameron K. Lewis’ detailed illustrations? He makes his work the focus of all his promotional materials, with just a few lines of pertinent contact information underneath his images.