Let Your Business Cards Do the Bragging

When it comes to showing off your business and what you do, sometimes you need a bit of an extra help from a little paper friend we like to call the business card. Not that we think you need help, but business cards are the perfect way to tell them who you are without having to really boast, and well, none of us really like braggers, now do we?

That’s why we like these snazzy business cards we came across. They’re impressive enough to catch your attention, yet also subtle, to spark more interest and a few visits to their website.

Take these simple but catchy business cards from Mars Graphics & Designs, who designed these black and white business cards for their client’s dating service. We love the unique use of the font, and the overall layout is clean and nicely put together.

Black and white business cards printed by GotPrint

Or how about these elegant cards by Laura Doherty from The Nail Pose, who created a business card to match her business. (Notice the french tips?)

Elegant business cards printed by GotPrint.com

And lastly, we couldn’t help but notice these fresh-out-of-the-box square cards by Deviate Student Ministry. The colors just pop out at us, and we always love a special-shaped card!

If you’re interested in a set of your own, just take a look at the various shapes we offer on our website. You can have fun and explore your creative options with square cards, circular ones, you name it!

Round cornered square business cards printed by GotPrint

P.S. If you have your own snazzy business card photo you’d like to share, leave us a note or email us at blog@gotprint.net. And don’t be shy – we always love to see the creative ways in which you brand yourself and your business.

Nareh S.

With over 10 years of experience in content marketing and writing, Nareh enjoys creating content for blogs, websites, advertisements - just about anything you can think of. A self-proclaimed wordsmith, Nareh enjoys compelling, witty taglines and phrases. When not writing, Nareh enjoys traveling and eating a ridiculous amount of avocados.

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