Free Templates: Trifold Brochures to Grow Your Audience

A well-designed brochure makes it easy to communicate your company’s products and services to anyone. Few remaining marketing methods provide such a focused and dedicated place for explaining an organization’s priorities or mission statement. Whether you are looking to define your brand’s voice or develop a new sales tool, brochures are a key element of any effective business.

Free Trifold Brochure Templates

It’s one thing to know that brochures can elevate your brand or assist your company’s next ad campaign, but it’s an entirely different thing to begin designing an effective and eye-catching brochure. We promise that it’s worth the effort though. A comprehensive, high-quality brochure can often convince a potential client or buyer to choose your company over another.

At GotPrint, our dedicated team of professional marketing designers has put together some wonderful templates for you to use as a starting point. Any of these layouts would make the perfect blueprint for your company’s next brochure publication. The key is simply to find the right one for you and your brand:

1. Blue & Yellow Rectangle

Having the design space to both lay out your information and leave an impression is a careful balance. Our Blue & Yellow Rectangle template commands its use of empty space quite well, leaving clear areas of dark blue for your marketing copy while leaving empty white areas for effective images.

2. Green Arrow

Bright colors and clear shapes are often the first step in grabbing your audience’s attention, and our Green Arrow template understands this well. Once the client or customer has started reading your brochure, the design can take a back seat with black and white backdrops. Our brochure is going to ensure their focus first though.

3. Business Professionals

Clear branding and professional designs will never go out of style though. With our Business Professionals design, we put the focus right where it needs to be classically: on you and your company. Put your employees and logo front and center, lay out your products and services, and let our bold brochure template do the rest of the work for you!

4. Arrow Pattern

When designing a brochure, it’s also important to guide the eye of your reader throughout the publication. For our Arrow Pattern template, we use simple arrows and clear color blocks to take your client’s eyes from each piece of essential information to the next.

5. Blue Triangle

Creating an aesthetically appealing brochure that people want to pick up is also an important part of the design process. Our Blue Triangle template utilizes calming color tones with interesting angles to keep the customer interested in what they are reading while creating a comfortable experience at the same time.

6. Simple Light Blue

Similar in intention to the above Blue Triangle design, our Simple Light Blue template goes for a more minimalistic approach to your brochure. The simple blocks of faded blue create contrast from the white background so that information is clearly laid out without creating too busy of a layout.

7. Curvy Pattern

Another template that excels at guiding the eye of your reader, our Curvy Pattern design uses a dark yellow trim to sweep your customer right through the whole brochure. This ensures that whatever information you are trying to get across will be seen and understood.

8. Blue Skyline

A bright and eye-catching design, the Blue Skyline template uses the natural contrast between blue and yellow to create a brochure that is hard to ignore. On top of that, the white space provided at the bottom is perfect for spelling out vital information like your company name, address, email, contact info, and more!

9. Cube Logo

Professionalism and clear design often go hand in hand. Our Cube Logo template offers a simple but bold layout that makes it clear where the reader should look while also offering ample space for images or photos associated with your business.

10. Modern Blue

Combining the soothing features of a blue color palette with bold blocking and directional graphic design, our Modern Blue template has a lot to offer. Your reader’s eye will be guided throughout the brochure while colorful designs hold their attention the entire way.

Need More Help Designing Your Brochures?

If the brochures we went over above have inspired your team, but you still need help in the design department, you have nothing to worry about! At GotPrint, we also provide start-to-finish professional design services, should you prefer to have someone else handle the design and file setup.

GotPrint makes it as easy as possible to create great brochures in minutes. With access to premium paper stocks, competitive pricing, and a straightforward ordering process. You can rely on us to look after your company, your brand, and your needs.