Last week, a few of our GotPrint staff from Press, IT, and Management attended the drupa print media fair. Packed with curiosity, an eagerness to learn, and a lot of that GotPrint pizazz, we made the long trip overseas to well-kept Düsseldorf, Germany, where the quadricentennial fair was held.

Indeed, at drupa, you’ll meet with drupartners, and be welcomed by drupaulas and drupauls. Maybe you’ll be like us and even get the chance to stop by the drupartnermalls and drupartnershops on your trip!

You can expect to gather a great deal of information ranging from the state of the printing industry, to sustainability, information on packaging, design, and talks on future trends and the latest in the printing world. Moreover, there were special shows and events, the drupa cube, which hosts half-day symposiums, and the dip (drupa innovation park), where you can dip into some very interesting talks on ground-breaking innovations.
But it’s not all about the shows and discussions – time for some mingling! There were representatives from various companies in the print industry – ranging from start-ups to print giants, and we had the opportunity to meet up with several partners and reps from Heidelberg, Polar, HP, and EFI, which is always a pleasure!

And now that we’ve left the little world of drupa and are back, we’re excited to take everything we learned and integrate them into our own workflows and systems.
The fair will continue until the 16th of May, so for more information, make sure to visit their site.