Running or managing a business, whether it’s a brick-and-mortar store or an e-commerce shop, entails structure, strategy, and being open to different methods of creativity. The differences between in store marketing and online marketing are not that far off, with both using physical and online methods to promote their business. For either business type, you […]
Tag: small business

10 Ways to Support Small Businesses Impacted by COVID-19
While it’s true that restrictions are slowly beginning to get lifted across the country, there are many businesses that are not able to open their doors just yet. Some of them are the ones we frequent on a regular basis. We could maybe even say that these small businesses that have been affected by the […]

Get Back to Business with 5 Simple Tips
In the past few months, businesses of all industries and sizes have had to make sacrifices and changes for the greater good, including temporarily closing their doors in accordance with orders surrounding the novel Coronavirus. We’ve all been on the same journey of uncertainty while looking forward to the process of rebuilding. Now that restrictions […]

Be Your Own Graphic Designer With Our New Design Tool
The right branding is critical to making a first, and lasting, impressing. Our new, easy-to-use, online design tool can make anyone a graphic design expert in a matter of minutes! Our design tutorial will walk you through the tool and have you creating attractive business cards and other business stationery like a true pro. Once […]

Craft an Elevator Pitch That Will Sell Your Business
You’re walking into an elevator at a networking event and run into a CEO or an investor you’ve been trying to connect with all day, how do you break the ice? If you don’t have a convincing pitch prepared that lasts the amount of time you have in that elevator ride, then you’re in a […]