Featuring Etsy Seller Allisa Jacobs

Awhile back, I was introduced to Etsy, and soon thereafter, I was hooked. A vast, friendly community of talented artists and crafters making and selling handmade, one-of-a-kind, nifty items, you’ll find everything from handmade jewelry to custom-made furniture on this popular site.

All of the items you come across have been crafted with thought, consideration and made for the individual, not for the mass market. After all, Etsy’s goal is to “empower people to change the way the global economy works“, to help small businesses thrive, give value to the creator, and make products sustainable–all of which most of us can appreciate. And best of all, you get to know and buy directly from the person who made the product. 

And although they’re small businesses, they mean business when it comes to marketing their work. In fact, we’ve had quite a few Etsy sellers pop up on our social media sites, ask about their orders, link to their blogs, and send us pictures of their business cards.

round-cornered, square business cards printed by GotPrint

Allisa Jacobs, one such Etsy seller and GotPrint customer, creates lovely, handmade bags and purses with a charming, distinct style. But her talents don’t just end there. She puts just as much thought into promoting her work, creating matching, rounded-square hang tags and business cards for a complete marketing package.

And to make her branding even more cohesive, she features a little snippet of a design she uses on her bags so that clients can see the style of her handbags right from the second she hands them her card. Moreover, Allisa is an avid blogger, who writes about everything from her products, to design, crafting, and smart business strategy.

Great products, consistent branding, and flawless promotional pieces – we could all learn a thing or two from Allisa!

Now only if I could decide which handbag to choose…

round-cornered, square hang tags, printed by GotPrint, and attached to a clutch 
 round-cornered, square business cards in yellow bowl on table

Images provided by Allisa Jacobs

Erina S.

"Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night." -Edgar Allan Poe

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